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Let Your Imagined Worlds Come to Life on paper!

Written by Merle Mc Lennan

Amelia’s Magic Staircase

Challenge: Crafting an Interactive Mice Game Across Three Books

Hiding mischievous mice on each page to create a cohesive, interactive game woven throughout all three books, whilst keeping the story as the main focus.

Solution: A Puzzling Delight

Meticulous planning, strategically placing interactive mice across every page throughout all three books.

Written by Tamryn Stephenson

The Noisy Nights

Challenge: Embracing a Boys’ Theme

Initially, I faced the challenge of illustrating a boys’ theme children’s book, a territory that I wasn’t entirely comfortable with at that point in my journey.

Solution: Creativity & Empathy through Discomfort:

With trial and error, I discovered the sheer joy in illustrating a boy themed, messy, noisy and enjoyable book!

Written by Tayla de Lange

Little yogi Tayla

Challenge: Yoga Integration

The added twist was the integration of yoga poses to infuse an educational and interactive dimension into the narrative.

Solution: Blending Storytelling and Yoga Education

Research into various yoga postures. This project not only delivered a captivating children’s book but also provided an immersive journey that combined creativity, education, and joy.

Written by Cecelia Oliver

Fannie Sinclair and the Fiddle named Finn

Challenge: Imagining Otherworldly Creatures in a Skyborne World

The task involved blending a dog and frog into one character. Adding to the complexity was the need to breathe life into an inanimate object and elevate a musical instrument, all while these extraordinary creatures resided in the sky.

Solution: Expanding Creative Horizons to Embrace the Extraordinary

The solution unfolded by pushing creative boundaries, where imagination soared alongside the ethereal characters. I crafted a world that transported readers into a world where the unusual became the everyday norm.

"She is an Artist of Immense Talent with excellent communication skills"

"Chelsea Anne is a confident, gentle, humble, soft spoken, soulful, creative individual overflowing with genuine empathy and kind consideration for all those around her be they fauna, flora, or human. She has an acute eye for beauty and a boundless imagination and while she is firm, responsible and trustworthy, she has retained her childlike fascination for fantasy and therefore her playful creative curiosity. She is an artist of immense talent with excellent communication skills who has the capacity for alchemy, transforming written words into visuals seemingly effortlessly and magically. I highly recommend Chelsea for any visual Arts undertaking." - Dee Wade